Student Spotlight: Winners of Scratch Coder Kode It, Sparkies!

Here at Kodecoon Academy, we pride ourselves on not only imparting knowledge regarding digital literacy to our students, but also nurturing them into becoming leaders and future changemakers, applying what they have learnt in class, into creating projects that are meaningful to them.

Every quarter of the year, our students compete together in hopes to be featured and be identified as one of the top coders within their cohorts or be invited to coding competitions to represent Kodecoon Academy. 

Before we showcase some of the selected awesome work by our students, let us briefly share some of the curriculum! 

What is Scratch? 

Scratch is a kid-friendly, block-based programming platform created by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for young imaginative minds to let them try programming for the first time. Our Scratch Coder program offers students to learn strategies for problem solving, designing projects, and communicating their ideas through game development. Students often think out of the box and use Scratch to create their very own animated stories too – the possibilities are limitless with Scratch. 

Being an open-source platform, there are also plenty of opportunities for our students to create their own portfolio to show off to the world, vital for their future coding advancements.

Introducing Kode It, Sparkies! 

As part of our curriculum, our students are tasked with designing their own games at the end of their course term, putting the concepts that they have learned to test with real world application. Our students were given current social problems as problem statements to work on and develop games that are not only creative and fun to play, but also potentially bring educational value to its audience.

Are you ready to be blown away by our young creators?

Josh, 9 years old, winner of Kode It, Sparkies! – Scratch Code

About his project:

Choosing a topic close to his heart, Josh decided to choose “Gaming Addiction” as his problem statement to try to raise awareness regarding this topic. Being an avid gamer, Josh recognised the positives of gaming and understood from young why it is more important to manage one’s gaming habits than to totally abstain from them. 

Starting off with a simple dialogue narrative showcasing the upsides of playing games, there is also a second segment where players have to hone their psychomotor skills to level up to defeat the final boss!

Josh has brilliantly highlighted positive effects of gaming, particularly improved cognitive abilities – which are crucial for any child’s development. Excellent job, Josh! 

Dexter, 14 years old, winner of Kode It, Sparkies! – Scratch Coder

About his project: 

Having experienced the negatives of “Gaming Addiction”, Dexter was inspired to create an educational game that exposes its players to the negative impacts of gaming. 

Dexter starts off his project with a scenario with his friend turned hostile while declining his request to stop playing games and to hang out together, showcasing the negative effects that gaming can have on everyone such as the avoidance of physical interaction and aggressive behavior towards others.

In his project, Dexter also revealed the possible causes of gaming addiction such as low self-esteem and high stress levels, in which players then try to cope with such negative emotions by using gaming as an escape, eventually leading to addiction. Great job Dexter for showing extensive research and thought into creating such an educational game!

Kyri, 11 years old, winner of Kode It, Sparkies! – Scratch Coder

About her project: 

As Kyri was visiting her favourite places such as the beach and her local playground, she was disappointed to find litter all around that was left behind by others. Recognising the severity of littering on the environment and its people, Kyri decided to choose “Littering” as her problem statement.

The game starts off with a gameplay explanation and an interactive interface that requires players to identify objects that do not belong to the displayed environment, “throwing” them away with the trash bin by clicking on them.

With her project, Kyri hopes to educate its players to stop littering and to help them when seen by displaying objects that belong to a certain environment. Although the stages become increasingly harder as the players progress on to the next stages, Kyrie did an outstanding job in keeping the game user-friendly and encouraging! – Good job Kyri!

Congratulations to all of our students who completed their Scratch Coder course! We are proud of you! 

Are you as inspired by them as us? At Kodecoon Academy, our mission is to help develop critical thinking skill and help our children of tomorrow channel their creativity to transform ideas into concrete realities!

Contact us to register for our FREE Scratch Coder trial classes and meet our instructors to learn more about how you can kickstart your child’s coding journey with us! You can also check out a brief introduction of our trial class process here for more information!