Dear Parents: Chapter 5- She answered a knock on the door and what came after completely shocked her…

Dear Parents,


This is the story of Amy.

Have you ever looked back to a time in your life when you answered a knock on the door and realised that it led you to a whole new world?

Well… Not literally, but figuratively. That was exactly what happened to one of our students.

Ashley was new to our class and was just starting her coding journey, learning Scratch. One day, her school teacher asked them who had learnt coding before. While others were too shy to answer, she raised her hands and the rest was history.

The next thing she knew, she and one other schoolmate were representing their school and Singapore for a regional competition in Vietnam. Ashley didn’t back out of this opportunity and instead continued to persevere and cherish the experience. She practised, improved her coding skill and managed to win 3rd place in the competition, making us extremely proud.

But the highlight was not the competition. The highlight was what happened AFTER the competition.

When Ashley came back to class, she was a completely different person. She started to understand the power of coding and how coding, as a skill, is like a box of tools that she can use to apply and solve real-world problems. In short, she is now equipped with a tool to change the world. For me, I saw her grow up to become a “big sister” who has gained confidence and she even started helping younger students in class as well.

This is why at Kodecoon, we love sending your child to competitions. Not just for the sake of winning or collecting another medal, but for your child’s personal growth. It is in those competitions where I saw students’ tears – both happy and sad – because it matters so much to them. So, the next time there is a knock on the door, send your child to open it, we never know what’s behind that door.

With Love,

Teacher Deddy

If you are keen to embark your child on an exciting coding journey, do contact us to find out more about our coding classes today !