Dear Parents: Chapter 1 – “Why are you so stupid?”

Dear Parents, 


I was on the bus heading out to get breakfast on a Saturday morning, when I heard a loud yell from a fellow passenger, “Why are you so stupid?” 

“But I don’t understand! What happens to the due date when you renew the book instead of returning it?” The young girl asked again.

“They will extend it…Why are you so STUPID?” The father replied, again with the uncalled-for name-calling. 

“But why would they allow that?” At this point, I knew the girl was sincerely trying to find an answer. 

“….Why are you so STUPID?” 

Upon hearing this, I turned my head to my wife. She knew those five words triggered something in me. I shook my head and told her that this is exactly what we cannot condone doing to our students

It takes BOTH courage and an inquisitive mind for a child to ask questions. When students consistently ask meaningful questions, they get comfortable taking the risks that lead to learning. At Kodecoon Academy, we hope to help our students cultivate this questioning habit from young

Children possess open and questioning minds. When we shut them down, they lose their curiosity growing up and might end up accepting what is presented as the ‘truth’ instead of questioning. When this happens, learning stops. That is the last thing we want for our students. 

With love, 

Teacher Deddy

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